Train-the-Trainer in KU Leuven in March 2023

From 27 to 31 March 2023, a train the trainer week for the Work4ce project was held in KU Leuven, campus De Nayer, Belgium.

The participants were welcomed by Prof G. Langie, vice-dean for education of the faculty of engineering technology.

Different developed course materials were presented in pilot teaching sessions for the participants and in workshops the materials were assessed and adapted.

During the week in addition a consortium meeting was done where all coordinators from the project partners discussed the progress in the project and pending issues and adapted the work plan, considering the situation in Ukraine. In the second part of the meeting the external expert presented his report and discussed the findings on the quality of the project.

The participants also got an informational tour through the different labs at KU Leuven, campus De Nayer, to be inspired and discovery of other fields of possible cooperation.