Cross-domain competences for healthy and safe work in the 21st century
Project Reference: 619034-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Work4CE addresses the need for educational resources in order to prepare for the future workplace (work 4.0). Interdisciplinary curricula and modules are developed and new forms of (virtual) university-enterprise collaboration are deployed to improve the practical value of the curricula and the employability of the graduates. With the implementation of the successful co-production approach of lecturers, industry experts and members of professional associations new, job-related competences for the workplace of the future (Work 4.0) are developed.
This approach overcomes the gap between academia and industry in the partner countries and equip graduates with competences to cope with the transformation of working environments, to assess where they are and where they want to go (analysis, strategy), to transform into a sustainable working environment, to consider occupational safety and health and environmental protection.
Project Information
What you should know about the project?
Project period:
15.11.2020 – 14.11.2024
Project type:
Erasmus+ KA2: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Beneficiaries Space can be found here.
Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Capacity Building in higher education
Follow up here.
Grant holder:
National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic“ (NU-ZP)
Project coordinator:
Galyna Tabunshchyk
Check the information on the FH Dortmund website:
Galyna Tabunshchyk
What is our scope, goals, and outcomes?
Project goals:
- Development of a portfolio of 9 eLearning modules and Open Educational Resources on Work 4.0;
- Implementation of the co-production approach of academic and professional experts in 9 virtual Open Communities of Practice;
- Development of a certification system with professional standards to foster relevance for and adoption by industry;
- Train lecturers and company trainers and bind them to the Open Communities of Practice;
- Update the curricula of 8 Master programmes with modules and specialization packages;
- Cooperation of Master programmes in a virtual, cross-border Master School with exchange and double degrees.
Project outcomes:
Who is working on the project?
- Academy of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan (ASCCA), Baku, Azerbaijan;
- Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University (ASOIU), Baku, Azerbaijan;
- Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (AzUAC), Baku, Azerbaijan;
- Fachhochschule Dortmund (FH Dortmund), Dortmund, Germany;
- KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium;
- Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA), Kyiv, Ukraine;
- National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic“ (NU-ZP), Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine;
- University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain;
- West Ukrainian National University (WUNU), Ternopil, Ukraine.
Where is our working space?
All partner organisations have the possibility to access the project supporting tools and cloud repository.
To enter Nextcloud (follow)
NextCloud – content online collaboration platform.
To enter Confluence (follow)
Confluence – collaboration wiki tool.
Confluence tutorials (follow)
To enter Jira (follow)
Jira – software to manage and track projects.
To enter Moodle (follow)
Moodle – learning management system
Consortium Events and Meetings
02.02.2021 Kick-off Meeting (online)
03.03.2021 Meeting on Module Specification (online)
05.04.2021 Train-the-Trainer on Confluence (online)
11.10.2021 – 12.10.2021 First Consortium Meeting in Dortmund
15.11.2021 – 19.11.2021 Train-the-Trainer Event in Dortmund
07.03.2022 – 11.03.2022 Train-the-Trainer Event in Bilbao
27.04.2022 – 28.04.2022 Management Meeting in Leuven
02.07.2022 – 09.07.2022 Train-the-Trainer Event in Dortmund
26.10.2022 – 28.10.2022 Second Project Meeting in Baku
27.03.2023 – 31.03.2023 Train-the-Trainer Event in Leuven
03.06.2023 – 05.06.2023 Management Meeting in Bilbao
4.09.2023 – 15.09 2023 Pilot Teaching for Students and Consortium Meeting in Dortmund (hybrid)
30.01.2024 Consortium Meeting (online)
04.03.2024 – 15.03.2024 Pilot Teaching for Students and Consortium Meeting in Leuven (hybrid)
22.04.2024 – 24.04.2024 Pilot Teaching in Baku
18.09.2024 – 21.09.2024 Final Consortium Meeting in Baku
12.11.2024 Wrap-up Meeting (online)
Galyna Tabunshchyk galina.tabunshchik@gmail.com
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As part of pilot training under the Erasmus+ KA2: Capacity Building in Higher Education “Cross-domain
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