People of EuroPIM: Elvin Mejidov

Today we’re happy to share the news from one of our colleagues, Elvin Mejidov, the Manager of International Cooperation and Projects at the Academy of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ASCCA).

Elvin is the Project Author and Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module (JMM)  “Advancing the European Union Studies at the Azerbaijan Customs Academy” (EURASCCA). This project, written by our colleague in February 2022, was selected by the European Commission in August 2022 and will be implemented in Autumn 2022- Autumn 2025 at the Academy of State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan (ASCCA).

The JMM EURASCCA (Autumn 2022 – Autumn 2025) aims to promote multidisciplinary EU teaching, research, awareness, knowledge, and skills at ASCCA and in general, in the Customs domain in Azerbaijan, by introducing the new EU academic courses that cover such areas as the European integration, EU law, foreign policy, European Neighborhood Policy, Eastern Partnership, and others, as well as by fostering discussions, analytical insights, and relevant policy research addressing the economic, trade and Customs-related issues in the EU-Azerbaijan relations.

In terms of the project, four new EU-related courses will be taught by four teachers, a series of activities will be carried out, and a new Jean Monnet course (EU Foreign Policy, Eastern Partnership, EU-Azerbaijan relations) for both the Customs students and Customs officers of Azerbaijan is planned to be carried out by Mr. Mejidov.

We’re wishing our colleague good luck and looking forward to seeing new achievements!