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Participation in the International Conference on Smart Technologies & Education (STE2024)

On 6-8 of March 2024 the 21st International Conference on Smart Technologies & Education (STE2024): «Smart Technologies for a Sustainable Future» (Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland) took place. Anzhelika Parkhomenko, a researcher at the Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL), took part in the STE2024 Conference with an online presentation of the results of collaboration between teachers and students from Fachhochschule Dortmund (FH Dortmund) and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) as part of the ERASMUS + CBHE Work4CE project “Cross-domain competences for healthy and safe work in the 21st century” (619034-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). The topic of the presentation is “Implementation of an Industry 4.0 Module in the International Educational Project ERASMUS+ WORK4CE” (authors Peter Arras, Anzhelika Parkhomenko and Illia Parkhomenko). This work is partly carried out with the support of Erasmus+ CBHE WORK4CE project, as well as DAAD projects EU-ViMUk and Uk4DigiTrans.