WORK4CE: Cross-domain competences for healthy and safe work in the 21st century

Project Reference: 619034-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Digital Transformation changes the way we live and work in a dramatic way. Still, people want “good labour” and employers want to develop new ways of working.

WORK4CE addresses the need for competences, standards, learning materials and didactic formats, which are important in the new Work4.0 environment.

The project develops standards and learning materials for the new topic of cross-domain competences for healthy and safe work (CDHS) by setting up industry-university communities for the development, delivery and dissemination for the relevant topics.

Project type:
Erasmus+ KA2: Capacity Building in Higher Education

Project period:
15.11.2020 – 14.11.2023

Grant holder:
National University Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic

Project coordinator:
Prof.  Galyna Tabunshchyk

Funded by:
Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. Follow up here

Useful links for project partners:
Erasmus+ CBHE Beneficiaries space: follow.
Nextcloud access: follow.
Confluence access: follow
Confluence tutorials: follow

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Project goals

  1. Development of a portfolio of 9 eLearning modules and Open Educational Resources on Competence Model for Work
  2. Implementation of the co-production approach of academic and professional experts in 9 virtual Open Communities of Practice
  3. Development of a certification system with professional standards to foster relevance for and adoption by industry
  4. Train lecturers and company trainers and bind them to the Open Communities of Practice (min. 20)
  5. Deliver Competence Model for Work for students, professionals and executives
  6. Update the curricula of 8 Master programmes with modules and specialization packages
  7. Cooperation of Master programmes in a virtual, cross-border Master School with exchange and double degrees

Project outcomes

  1. eLearning Modules and Educational Resources
    1. Data Analytics for Work
    2. Health Management in the Digital Era
    3. Industry 4.0
    4. Distributed Teams
    5. Work 4.0
    6. Safe Workplaces
    7. Managing Digital Change
    8. Life Cycle Thinking and Sustainable Management
    9. Developing Digital Business Ecosystems
  1. WORK4CE Digital Portal
  2. Train-the-Trainer modules and workshops
  3. OpenCoPs with ongoing co-production, release of content
  4. Virtual Master School with specialisation packages
  5. Curricula update and double degrees
  6. Professional and Executive Education Packages
  7. Digital Co-production Labs


Project results

First-year outcomes:

Train-the-Trainer Week Programme

7-11 March 2022, Faculty of Engineering, UPV/EHU, Bilbao