In March 2024 the researcher and lecturer of IDiAL (Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains) in the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund) Prof. Galyna Tabunshchyk visited the Institute of Business & Technologies HYBRIA and School of Business EKLYA in Lyon, France. She attended the “European Integration” course for 4th year students at HYBRIA as a guest professor with Mr. Martin Klotz and gave presentation for the master students about the WORK4CE best practices (Erasmus + CBHE WORK4CE project). Also there were conducted working meetings with the director of HYBRIA and EKLYA Sébastien Arcos and international Erasmus+ project coordinator Melisa Kebude.

Project type: Erasmus+ KA2: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project name: Cross-domain competences for healthy and safe work in the 21st century
Project Reference: 619034-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP