E-TEMS 2022: Call for Papers

2022 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (IEEE E-TEMS 2022) is addressing the challenge of achieving quality of life in smart cities through projects and digital ecosystems. We must find ways to share our ideas, questions, and proposals to create a sustainable future that bridges the gaps where technologies and responsible smart cities meet.

At IEEE E-TEMS 2022 – hosted by the University of the Basque Country – participants will share their understanding of the quality of life within cities, showcase their digital transformation projects and explore related themes.

The programme will be a balance between declared topics and those emergent from other submissions. For those interested in regional perspectives, it is important to note that we are actively seeking contributions from organizations in and around Dortmund, Bilbao, Trondheim, Kaunas, Leuven, Kyiv, and other Smart Cities.

Topics include but are not limited to: 

  • Achieving Quality of Life in Smart Cities through Projects
  • Transforming towards Digital Delivery
  • Ensuring Diversity in Smart Cities
  • Viewing Smart Cities from Gender Perspectives
  • Being Mobile in Smart Cities
  • Forming Digital Ecosystems
  • Urbanizing Sustainably
  • Engineering Smart Cities
  • Securing Privacy in Smart Cities
  • Training & Educating
  • Managerial & Economical Impact of Industry 4.0

Find out more about the conference, including submission deadlines, topics, and the rest of the conference series by visiting https://etems.digital/2022. 

And don’t miss out on updates, by subscribing to our social media channels on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn  @citiesr4living

Check our video on YouTube.