Call for Papers IEEE IDAACS 2023

The IEEE IDAACS 2023 Organising Team is thrilled to invite Bachelor and Master students to participate in the upcoming IEEE IDAACS 2023 Conference, a prestigious event that will take place on 7-9 September 2023 in Dortmund, Germany. This is an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their research and gain valuable experience by presenting their papers at an internationally recognized conference.

To participate, students are encouraged to submit a paper on any of the topics listed on the conference website. The topics cover a wide range of areas, including but not limited to project management, robotics, signal processing, AR and VR, and machine learning.

In addition, if we receive enough papers, we will be organizing a special event within the IEEE IDAACS 2023 Conference specifically for Bachelor and Master students. This event will provide a platform for students to network, collaborate, and engage with fellow students and researchers in their respective fields. Moreover, there will be no fee for participating in this special event.

Attending the IEEE IDAACS 2023 Conference can prove to be a significant boost to any student’s academic and professional career. It is a unique opportunity to share ideas, learn from industry experts, and gain exposure to the latest developments in various fields.

So, don’t miss your chance to present your research at this prestigious event. Submit your paper and take part in the IEEE IDAACS 2023 Conference, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to showcase your research, network with peers, and advance your academic career.

Here are the important dates for submission:

  • Extended Abstract Submission: 16 April 2023
  • Notification of Extended Abstract Acceptance: 15 May 2023
  • Camera Ready Papers: 15 June 2023

More information about the Conference is on the official website.

P.S. if the paper is of the quality that is required by IEEE, it will be accepted to the main event and will go to the publication to the IEEE Xplore. In this case, the author will need to pay the conference fee. However, if an author is willing to only participate in the Student conference, their paper will be published only in the special proceedings of the conference and the participation will be free of charge.